Thursday, April 26, 2012

No worries...I've got this.

After the busyness of today, I am amazed at how much algebra I got done before that part of my brain switched off. Seriously...when my mind is done with math for the day, it's done. Even the simplest equation looks like total nonsense after that. Sure, I still have a ton to do tomorrow, and more running around. But even when I'm tired, and the laundry goes unfolded, and Violet interrupts frequently (as babies do), I feel good when I can accomplish something in my school work.

The difference between now and high school (which I dropped out of), is that now I care. Now, it matters. I have a talent for learning things the hard way. It took years of crap jobs, barely surviving, and watching the world go by as I struggled, before I decided I'd had enough of it. Financially, things are still a struggle, but the good part is, that instead of just banging my head against the wall, doing something that makes me miserable, I'm actually going somewhere. And I don't care how long it takes, because the journey in itself is much more fulfilling than catering to unhappy customers, or squirming under the heel of a mean boss's sensible pump while tethered to a phone like a dog on a leash. I'm learning, seeing, doing more than I thought I ever could. For the first time, there is a future out there, waiting for me to grab it. There's a shiny, seasoned, new-and-improved me waiting to break to the surface.

It doesn't matter that I'm doing this at 35 instead of 25. It doesn't matter that I'll be in my 40's by the time my daughter starts school and I'm finishing up. It's not the age in years; it's the depth of wisdom, the flavor of experience, and the vibrant colors that emerge wherever I look. It's knowing that this is not all there is. There is more out there for me. There is better. As a teenager, I could not imagine the future. In my twenties, I felt like I was getting sucked into a future that I didn't want. In my thirties, I am seeing, for the first time, that I can shape my world into something desirable. It will take some time and a lot of work. There have been and will likely continue to be moments in which I feel in over my head. I'm okay with that. Just when I feel myself drowning, something gives me a push, or I kick just a little harder to reach that gasp of air that gets me to the next. There are periods of calm, and moments of bliss. There's my loving husband and my beautiful daughter. Even though I sometimes forget that I'm not stuck, the good times remind me. It's all good...I've got this.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Growing Violet

It's been a whirlwind of change since I first heard the cries of my sweet baby on October 28th. I held her in my arms as the world took on color in the most vibrant hues. Suddenly, I felt a purpose, and life became so much more than what it had been. Every day since has been an unparalleled gift, and watching her grow and learn to do new things brings me joy like nothing else can. Even when the world seems to bear down on us and stress threatens to tear it all apart, all I have to do is look at her and I can genuinely smile.

In a week, Violet will be six months old. Yesterday, she took her first trip to the zoo. I know she won't remember it, but seeing her watch the otters play and smile at friendly faces will stay with me for the rest of my life. Even the way she fell asleep before the elephants will be a happy memory. Today, was a quiet day at home. We spent some time as a family on our bed, as the sky began to darken in early evening. Everything was visible, but soft and dim. Colors took on a sleepy gray tinge as I dreamily played with my happy daughter, hearing her coos and watching her movements. Her fascination with hands lights my spirit, as does the joyous movement of her legs. She expresses her happiness with her feet and I can't help wondering if she'll be a dancer...or maybe a Kung Fu master? The best part is, she can be anything she desires and her father and I will be here as reminders that she can achieve it.

I know that there will be times when her choices will be upsetting, but that is part of learning. That is part of becoming. For now, we have a laughing, happy baby who fusses at times, but is over all, doing an amazing job at being her and reminding us that there is immeasurable beauty to be found in this world. Just as her life is beginning, it feels like mine is too.