Monday, January 16, 2012

Closing the Chapter on a Joyful Journey...

I have been meaning to do some writing regarding feminist issues but haven't been able to get started. I mainly intended to focus on Relational Aggression and I'm sure I will be going there at some point. Today, I write about something else. I received heartbreaking news, this afternoon. A woman I greatly admire lost her battle with a nasty brain tumor last night. Ann was more than a women's studies teacher. She was a bright light, a beacon of truth, and a hero of mine. In January of 2010, myself and an unsuspecting group of people I didn't know entered her classroom, some of us to be changed for the better, forever. She emphasized “Compassionate Awareness” as opposed to “Political Correctness” and “Being pulled joyfully along” rather than suffering through learning about the world's injustices.

It only took ten weeks to awaken the sleeping feminist within and ignite a desire to “see through the bullshit” in all things, then go out into the world, spreading her gift of compassionate awareness while continuing to learn as much as I can, while forming bonds with others who seek enlightenment and change. In addition to becoming more closely acquainted with that inner feminist, some incredible friendships were formed and together we cried, got angry, bewildered, and most importantly, we laughed. We learned that the political IS personal and that vigilance is to be maintained if we are to remain sharp and aware. Between Ann's class and Gail's English 102 class in which we were to write research essays about topics we were passionate about, I found direction. I found a feverish desire to keep learning so that I might continue in the footsteps of the feminists before me. Furthermore, I found a longing to expose and help to eliminate the evils of Relational Aggression in women, as it only serves to hinder the fight for equality. I emerged from that ten-week, exhausting, fulfilling and eye-opening course feeling empowered, fearless and hungry for change. I just needed to focus on my direction and stay on-course.

In the spring that immediately followed, I was unexpectedly thrown from that course when George, my baby brother, died as a result of three terrible brain tumors. So much of that time is a blur but it wasn't long after George's death when the sickeningly devastating news reached me that Ann, wonderful Ann, OUR beloved Ann had been diagnosed with a brain tumor, herself. It put a dagger in my heart and a fist in my gut. I was still reeling from the death of my brother as well as the near-death and horrible disfigurement of a dear friend and now THIS?

Those of us who remained in contact from her class discussed keeping in touch with her and organizing a visit. However, it was just too close to home and it wasn't until just a few weeks ago that I was finally in a state that allowed me to see her. I hitched a ride with my friend Susan and I made sure to bring Violet along...I wanted to show Ann how her influence would live on in the next generation. By this time, she was officially dying and while it was so indescribably sad, I was glad to learn that she was able to do so in the comfort of her apartment with her partner and the people from hospice seeing to her care. It was so much better than dying in a hospital the way George did, but then George's decline had been too rapid to offer any other option.

She looked different. We saw her from behind, at first...sitting at a glass dining table in her wheelchair. We approached her slowly. I wasn't sure how badly the tumor might have ravaged her mentally but she immediately remembered not only who I was, but that Daryll sat in on our Saturday sessions with us. She was paralyzed on her left side and her appearance had changed, but she was sharp! She was still Ann! She was wheeled over to a comfy chair and we all sat and talked. I showed her my sleeping child and told her that I had brought her the future of the world to see. She looked at Violet and said “That gives me hope”, and then proceeded to apologize to her in her wonderful Philadelphia accent for the mess we are leaving her with. It was priceless! A moment that should have had me in tears (and did after I got home), instead had me feeling warm and smiling. Those two hours were beyond precious to me and while many of the visit's details are already escaping my memory, I will always remember and smile at the last moments I shared with one of my life's greatest mentors. Even though we all knew she was dying, she still offered her advice for the continuation of our academic pursuits as well as her continued assistance. “Any time” she said and “always”. She didn't call it dying. She referred to it as her retirement and while I can only speculate, I believe that she intended to continue being there for us and anyone else who needed her until her last breath. Even as she was dying, she continued to LIVE and did it with the kind of acceptance and grace that I hope to one day achieve. As we left Ann that day, I felt a bizarre mixture of grief, hope, joy and sadness. Above all, however, I felt admiration and gratitude. Even now, as I am so unbelievably saddened by the news of her death, that same admiration and gratitude swell within me. I will continue to learn and grow with Compassionate Awareness and I will pass these things onto my daughter and through these things, Ann will live on.

Thank you Ann. If I live to become half as wise and aware as you, I may just earn my place in this world.  

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

No matter how many times I have to learn the painful way that sometimes ideas and opinions do not translate well in type, it seems that on occasion, I am due for another reminder. Tonight was one of those occasions. I expressed an opinion and it was not well received. Feeling that the parties involved were misunderstanding the point I was trying to make, I attempted to elaborate only to dig myself deeper into a pit of hostile feelings, snarky opinions and futility. In the end, my point was completely missed, I was judged unfairly and in a fit of rage, I severed some online ties and as much as I want to believe they don't matter to me at all...they apparently do. That's not to say that I need some of these people in my life. I don't. However, if they didn't matter to me on some level, I would not have gotten upset and I'm ashamed to admit I got very upset. I was hurt deeply. It seems so stupid now, but I was.

I really don't want to make myself look like a big whiny, misunderstood victim. I don't think putting it off entirely on others is fair. I did not communicate in a way they could understand and it bit me in the ass. Fine, whatever. It got me thinking, though. And as usual, once I start thinking on a subject my brain does not shut up until I deal with it in some way. So, if I want to get ANY sleep at all tonight, I'll deal with it in the only way I know how.

Getting through this is going to require some acceptance on my part. I have to accept that sometimes my thoughts are more intricate than my ability to outwardly communicate them to others and this can cause trouble. I have to accept that people have varying opinions and sometimes those opinions clash. I have to accept that any time I allow myself to believe that I'm “among friends” in an online setting, I'm setting myself up to eventually be disappointed. I also have to accept that not everyone is going to be as courteous and non-judgmental about opinions they disagree with as I am (that's not to say I'm always perfect but I'm not one to jump on people, either). The biggest one though, is accepting that when I get into any of the above situations, the only one I can blame for it is myself. I should really know better than to get so involved. Meh...I tend to learn things the hard way.

Here is what I do NOT have to accept: I do not have to accept rudeness. I do not have to accept other people's opinions of me or my ideas when they clearly don't get what I'm saying. I do not have to accept the limits they want to place on me due to their lack of understanding. If you want black and white opinions and ideas, don't come looking to me. I am not black and white. My opinions, ideals and emotions are laced with a variety of color and hue. Who says I can only feel one way about something? WHO SAYS? Life, the world and the people in it are not that simple I am not that simple. I am a complex human being with my own set of thoughts, feelings emotions and beliefs that often times intermingle because I refuse to see things in only one light. I am multifaceted and I refuse to iron myself flat for anyone. If you can't keep up, that's fine but do not expect me to slow down and rearrange myself just so you can understand. And if you don't understand, that's fine. I don't expect you to. That does not, however, mean I have to put up with your judgments. There are plenty of things I don't understand. If I make a valiant effort to understand something only to have it continue to escape me then I have to accept that I don't understand it and move on.

That being said, I suppose it's time to accept the lesson. The way we conduct ourselves socially has changed. We live almost as much on the internet as we do in the real world and I sometimes wonder if the two are switching places. It is too easy to get caught up in the cyber world and become too comfortable. That's not to say that I've never made true friends online. I have and I cherish them. However, they are a small fraction of the people I interact with and once again, I need to remind myself that not everyone believes in being an open book and when I allow myself to become one, I am left vulnerable to have my pages stained and torn. I should be grateful for this. I have the two most important things in the universe right here in the very same room with me; my husband and my baby daughter. I like having friends online and off but really, it's my little family that really matters and I cherish them. In my little apartment in my little world, I have no fear of how I am received. This is my world, my sanctuary, my everything. Eventually, I'll learn to just let all the other stuff go. After all, most of it isn't real, anyway.