Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Goodbye, Aunt Chris

Today, my Aunt Chris died of cancer. I haven't seen her since I was a child, but I remember her. I remember her beauty, her grace, her gentle way. I remember her bright eyes and her smile so beautiful, it lit up the world. I haven't seen or heard too much from Uncle Ken, Aunt Chris, or my cousins since they moved to New York, years ago...but they were always family. We may not have communicated a whole lot, with life events and distance getting in the way. We all still loved one another, though. Last summer, when I was having a hard time, Uncle Ken reached out to me. I didn't know that his lovely wife was in the midst of such a harrowing battle. When I learned she was sick, I hoped for the best, of course. It is my wish that everyone afflicted with cancer beats it. Hearing that she was terminal a few weeks ago, weighed heavily in my heart. When my mother called me today with the news of her passing, the sorrow hit like a surprise freight train. Neither time nor distance can destroy the love I have for my family. I was glad to learn that she died at home, surrounded by her husband and children, but I couldn't help picturing that moment when she was gone, and what it must have done to them. I remembered the sounds of my family wailing over my brother's body in the hospital, two years ago. Nothing sounds like a family's grief, and it will be with me for the rest of my days.

Aunt Chris, I am sorry I didn't get to see you through this, but I'm glad you had so many who were there for you. You were and are such a shining light. We will miss that smile, those sparkling eyes, and your graceful manner. We will miss your warmth, your kindness, your beauty. We will miss you.

All my love,


  1. Larissa, this post is beautiful. I know we haven't spoken to or seen each other in years, but I wanted to write to express my gratitude for your kind words toward my mom. As I read your previous post, I realized that you're dealing with your own cancer? If so, please know you have my prayers and thoughts.

  2. Thank you, sweetheart! All my love is with you and yours at this time. I'll be okay, just got a bit of a bumpy road for the next few months.
