Saturday, July 25, 2015


This year summer came on swift and early, hot and dry. I had found love, or it had found me; and it looked as though a world of adventure and bliss was finally opening up for me. Well, it seems now that it was just a mirage. The man I had loved and lost for eleven years had found me, opened my heart, and then decided he didn’t want it. Okay. Well. This hurts. It hurts like death. Though he insists he loves me and my daughter and wishes to maintain a friendship, he can’t handle a relationship with anyone right now. Given his history, I understand. I really do. But I hurt and it’s a slow, lingering pain.

I’ve been lying here like a barren desert. All of my insides have been scraped out and I’ve been left open and exposed to dry out and rot under the oppressive rays of the sun. It seems so senseless and wrong, all of it. I was happy before he came along. I had finally decided that I didn’t want a man in my life and that all I needed was my daughter and Krav Maga. I was okay. I had a plan.

Men have a fantastic way of laying waste to my plans, at least the men who enter my life do. This one isn’t a bad man. He’s a very good man and I will try to be his friend, but damn. My sense of direction is completely fucked. The sun got in my eyes and I was blindsided. Now I have to sew myself up and start over. Alone.

Last night he came over. We had drinks, talked, laughed, and I cried. A lot. It was kind of him to help me talk it through. For a while things felt good. I had my friend and that was okay. Of course when he had to leave, I crumbled. Love can be such a humiliating and devastating thing. I’m still not sure if talking to him is a good or a bad thing right now. I guess I’ll play it by ear. I dragged my wounded carcass to bed and lost myself to tormenting dreams.

Today it’s raining. Sweet, blessed rain and the scent of cooling have come at just the right time. Everything aches, but I can breathe and the racing of my mind has slowed just enough for me to function. I have Violet, and I marveled at all she is as she played mermaid in the tub this morning. My focus was, is, and will always be mainly on her. That is something that hasn’t changed. Even when I thought I had someone, she was still the top priority. Even when I’m writhing with loss, my love for her keeps me breathing. That is a love I can count on always. I didn’t want to be a single mom but I am one. It gets terrifying and lonely, but I will fill that space with her and with my training. I have a life to build for us and men are probably very bad for me. As the rain fills my charred desert body, mixing the dust into mud, and bringing the scent of something fresh and alive, I will slowly pull my scattered parts back in, cleanse them, and rebuild my fortress. Let the rain keep falling. Let it wash the grime away. Let me breathe in the wet of Earth and find myself again.


  1. You amazing, wonderful, delicate woman. I know where you are and how that pain hurts. I want so much to tell you that it will all go away - that you will be complete and whole again and that Violet and Krav Maga will keep your mind off other parts of life. Alas, you have a soft, kind heart and it may not be so. You are right to take the time to heal and to sew yourself together. If love is meant to find you again, it will. If not, you just may have to adopt 40 or 50 cats. You are strong and will survive - you know you have to, just as I knew I had to. Our daughters are our worlds. As always you have my love and strength.

